Below are some different ways you can communicate with me. Please have a browse at my Facebook page, Twitter page or LinkedIn page to add any comments or ask any questions you would like to share with the group. You can also message me directly if you would rather. I would really appreciate your feedback on these pages! As well as this, you may want to use Google Classroom, which is a good way to share any work with me and I can give feedback on it. Also, you may want to take a look at any teaching videos that I may post, such as reading a story live on video or explaining mathematical methods and tricks on the Facebook page. I want to make this tutoring service fun and engaging for the children and make this website a useful tool to support your child with their learning!

Remember, keep checking this page regularly!

Thank you.
Please search and follow on the Best in Class Tutoring Facebook page.
Connect with me using Microsoft Teams. A link will be sent via email.

Hi everyone,

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel. The channel name is  Matthew Merrett@MatthewMerrett-nn3ne. Live videos may be posted to explain further events and sessions. Also, this will give customers an insight into the teaching methods that I use.

Thank you,


Hello everyone. Welcome to this exciting brand new tutoring service. Look out for any updates here.